Being a couch potatoe once again laying on the old heating pad, arthritis having a rainy day picnic on my back and sprained leg(Ug! do you get on all fours to scrub, I do and I got up the wrong way!) I saw a little piece on Fox news about SAFE HAVEN........ A place to go if you or someone you know are thinking of abandoning a newborn! This safe haven protects unwanted babies from being hurt or dying because of abandonment! It allows a distressed parent to surrender an unwanted infant safely, legally and confidentially. It enables the parents to avoid arrest or prosecition for abandonment, requires no names or records and permits babies less than 72 hours old to be surrendered to staff at any HOSPITAL emergency room, police station, manned fire station or designated county site. It makes medical treatment available to the birth mother. There was a SAFE HAVEN HOTLINE#=1-877-725-5111 to obtain a Safe Haven site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! With Blogging you never know who might Blog onto your Blog and if this would happen to save just one infant it would be worth all the blah, blah, blahing a Blog can do!!!
Safe haven is fabulous - I didn't know it was a nationwide program - glad to know it is! Thanks for your comments on my blog - LOL - I live in *notso* fabulous Las Vegas. Blech. Not a desert person...
How are your back and leg??! If I were you, I wouldn't scrub like that anymore.
LOL Vicki girly, you are soooooooooooo cute as my son's girlfriend always says to me, phew she is something, amyway, I think I might try one more time like this and then I might look into getting one of those mops where you scrub and mop then change the head on it!???What are they called anyway???
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