What a co-incidence! I'm selling a Cro Collage Art Tile this week on Ebay of a page from my very first Chunky Book! I signed Up for hosted by Tracy Roos! and someone from the swap is selling this same Chunky Book! YOU can seeeeeeeeeeeee it here***
I didn't know exactly what I was doing back in those days! hehe and there were a LOT! in this book! I think I have around a dozen Chunky books, some different sizes but what FUN they were making and getting back!!! All the wonderful art!!! I quit then til' this year and I've signed up for a Skinny Book Swap! hehe That's it for this year!http://cgi.ebay.com/CRO-COLLAGE-CERAMIC-TILE-ART-BE-HOPE-FOR-HOPELESS-ZNE_W0QQitemZ220153118040QQihZ012QQcategoryZ20158QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemr Here is one of my tiles I am selling hopefully*****but I just LOVED the back of my page too! It is one of my favorite verses from the Bible. It says, "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord." Psalm 122;1 ****Hope to seeeeeeeeee YOU there too one day!!! Have a Blessed Sunday sweeties!!! xoxoxoxoooxox
I'm so enjoying a new verse the Lord gave me. Pslms 63:7-8. Because you are my help; I sing in the shadow of your wings!
What safety there is in that, what exaultation!
Hope for the hopeless eh? I'm feelin pretty hopeless these days, but I know that God is watching out for me and I try to take comfort in that. Blessings to you Cro!
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