Been sOOOOOo busy, Gina came in for a week and as soon as she got here last Friday, we had to go to a wedding on Saturday, a Baby Shower Sunday and my birthday was Wednesday! We all went out to eat on Tuesday and Wednesday night cake and ice cream! It's been a whirlwind! My furnace is out and also my oven!! UG! I've enJOYed my time offline! I've missed my friends though! It seems like I always need breaks from blogging this time of year! I still think of YOU!!! Wish I could get my lil squirrel video uploaded! Oh well, love and prayers, Cinda PS. GET OUT IN THE SUNSHINE! SIT OR LAY IN IT AT LEAST 15 MINUTES!!! HAVE A SUN DAY VOO!!! pSS. DEB won the guessing game! Gumdrops in a candy dish, one of my favorite candies!!mmmmMMM! Please give me some time to make your prize sweetie and YOU know what else will be coming too! Phew! Does it ever settle down???!!
Oh, I missed your birthday....but Happy Birthday even if it's late!
I haven't done any videos ever so you're way ahead of me. I love YouTube so I'll watch for yours.
Oh my, Oh my.... I didn't know it was your birthday... and I missed it!!!
Don celebrated his Nov. 14 after years of celebrating Dec. 14..Details on my blog today.
I'm so glad you got your new camera... and I' will check out your utube.
Love and Hugs
Wanda MAE
It sounds like you are running. That is me all the time too.
Love Renee xoxo
Looks like I missed the par-tay! Sorry about that Cinda...hope it was a blast...gave you 5* on the crow impressions ;o)
I'm feeling much better today - thank you for checking in on me...u r special!
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