LOOK! what I found! An altered book I sold on Ebay at least 4 years ago?!!! I know who bought it too! THANK YOU Karen!!! I HOPE YOU are still enJOYing "My Wildest Dream" altered book! This reminds me I have to get back in touch with her! When I was going through that depressing time with those horrible meds last year she sent me a big box of this and that!!! That's why I have to get to my little art room soOOOOOo I can organize and find these goodies once again!
The fall makes me want to make these altered books! I just haven't been inspired to do anything for a while! and then not having a camera to share just takes the FUN out of it!
HOW ARE YOU???!!! GO here today kelly rae for a chance to win a book by Tracie Lyn Huscamp, here is her websiteThe Red Door Studio I even have some chunky books that Tracie was in with me! I have these stored in a box somewhere.........I've got to go and get busy!!!!!!!!! Have a SWEET day! Try to get outside for some fresh air!!! GOD BLESS YOU and here is another Psalm
Psalm 40;5 Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou has done, and thy thoughts are to us-ward; they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee; if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.
Doesn't it comfort YOU to know God thinks of us?!!!
Oh yes make the altered books, I can't wait to see more. I love that one.
And those memorial cards are 2 dollars a card, imagine.
Love Renee xoxo
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