Sunday, March 23, 2008


PSALMS 104;30
PSALMS 104; 33
I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my GOD while I have my being
34; My meditation of him shall be sweet; I will be glad in the Lord
I WISH and PRAY for YOU JOY and many SWEET DREAMS!!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


ON A HAPPY note, my dad is 82 today!!! I LOVE this man sooOOOOOOOoo much!!! We just had a bad scare the first of February(YOU can tell by my first SPC in Feb.(self portrait challenge! I wanted to crawl under a blanket and not come out!) We got GREAT NEWS!!! last week that dad doesn't have melanoma like they first suspected!!! UG! Why do doctors scare YOU like that?!!This week's SPC (March's theme being Political)has me donning a red, white and blue foil wig, holding my ears and a band-aid on my mouth! LOL Don't look at my rosacea!!! It's acting up again, I'll get to the drs someday! I hate to go to the dentist and doctors office!
I'm playing the lottery today, just $3.00 but just maybe and if I do win the BIG Millions, my first 100 commenters(to be on the safe side, LOL) will get a $1,000 each too!!! tee hee I don't even know what it is up to but I do know it is in the millions!!! soOOOOOOooo I added this music I used to go to work to in the early 70's!****YouTube - Pink Floyd - Money
and that's when I noticed the Twin Towers in the video and I was just thinking about 9/11 once again last week! Don't YOU???!!! I think of it not every day but at least once a month!I just can't get over it, it happened to us all but if I had someone I loved die on that tragic day, I don't know what I would become! a maniac for the TRUTH!!!
and that's what my SPC IS ABOUT THIS WEEK! " SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVILOrigin of 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' by lorien1973 Online Disc! "yEAH RIGHT! HOW CAN ANYONE GET AWAY FROM EVIL? It's in the news every day unless YOU live on a deserted island or a cabin in the woods and YOU can look away and pretend it didn't happen! My sister-in-law sent me a petition on health care the other day and I sent her one back to sign and she wrote back and said, "I didn't know YOUCare2 - the global network for organizations and people who Care2 make a diffe were an activist!" LOL I didn't know either!!! I just signed up to the CARE2 site last year and really haven't gotten that involved but here lately I have and I thought yeah, I'm an activist! How about that?!! Well, we can pray and pray til we turn blue and I keep at that too but I think we have to act too! Don't YOU?!!! I'm thinking of all our boys and girls over to Iraq, Afghanistan, all over this world for us today!!! Say a prayer for them today! P E A C E