My last day of radiation,(LAST fRIDAY) I dreamed I could FLY!!! Do YOU ever have that dream??!! I LOVE that dream!! When YOU wake up YOU are almost SURE YOU will be able to!! hehe
It's that time again, **HAIKU MY HEARTfRIDAY........gO HERE FOR more Haikus............ *****'ve missed 2 Fridays, mostly because I was in pain and layed around like an old hound dog! I STILL am healing from the radiation but it is a LOT BETTER!!!I always prayed for the sick but now am including people going through PAIN of any kind!!! I've read some books, "EAT, PRAY,LOVE" (can't wait to go see the movie, Gina's still reading the book soOOOOoo I hope she hurries up!) As I was reading a book I ordered last year"Three Cups Of Tea" I was wondering how to pronounce some of the villages names, the nightly NEWS announced flooding in Pakistan where this book takes place!!! I haven't checked on Greg Mortenson's website how many schools have been affected!that he has built for the children there! GOD BLESS the people there!!! PAIN then the 10 aid workers killed in Afghanistan, PAIN, a story on a wounded soldier who was a medic telling others how to operate on his own wounds, PAIN, there's a LOT of PAIN in this world, soOoO LOTS of prayers are needed!!! I've read 2 0f Gina's books, "Dear John" and "The Last Song" I enJOYed them both! Thanks! Gina!
i had more than one person tell me radiation was going to be a piece of cake, even my doctor! Oh yes, this will be nothing compared to chemo he said! If this was a piece of cake I should have had PIE!!! I would rather have chemo than radiation, that's just me though but I will never be saying radiation is a piece of cake! It is for some, I've learned but most definately not all!
When I closed my eyes
I saw a thousand prayers
Thank YOU, my darlings!
*************************************cancer free, that's meI hope and pray for all sickLIVING, DYING, FLY!!!****************************HAVE A GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS, PEACEFUL, SWEET DREAMS!!! WEEK-END!!! ALLELUIA!!!!!!HALLELUJAH!!!!